I would love to offer you even something as tiny as a grain of sand. If only I could succeed in doing that, then I might fulfil my longing to share a part of my life with you. Isn’t it worth risking one’s life to offer something as microscopic as that tiny single grain of sand chosen from amongst countless millions? Take great care at all times. Even the most infinitesimal detail of the slightest gesture you make should be executed with loving care. It’s never too late to start.
Kazuo Ohno from Kazuo Ohno’s World: From Without and Within, by Kazuo Ohno and Yoshito Ohno, translated by John Barrett, published by Wesleyan University Press
[ Kazuo Ohno (1906 – 2010) = dansator japonez pe care il asociem cel mai adesea cu butoh. Din 2001 nu a mai putut sa se deplaseze, insa a inceput sa danseze folosindu-si doar mainile. Ultima aparitie publica a fost in 2006 la o gala organizata in cinstea venerabilei lui varsta de 100 de ani. ]
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